
YoucanedityourMetaadsusingMetaAdsManager.You'llbeabletoedityourads,seehowyouradsareperforming,updateyourbillinginformationand ...,AdsManagerisyourstartingpointforrunningadsonFacebook,Instagram,MessengerorAudienceNetwork.It'sanall-in-onetoolforcreatingads, ...,AddpeopletoyouradaccountsoyoucanworkonFacebookadstogetherwithotherpeopleinyourbusiness.Thepeopleyouaddwon'tbeabletologinasyouor ...,Find...

About Meta Ads Manager

You can edit your Meta ads using Meta Ads Manager. You'll be able to edit your ads, see how your ads are performing, update your billing information and ...

Ads Management for Facebook, Instagram

Ads Manager is your starting point for running ads on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger or Audience Network. It's an all-in-one tool for creating ads, ...

How to add people to your ad account in Meta Ads Manager

Add people to your ad account so you can work on Facebook ads together with other people in your business. The people you add won't be able to log in as you or ...

Meta Ads

Find them with Meta ads. Reach new and existing customers as they connect with people and find communities on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp.

Meta Pro Team

Ads Manager. Create, manage and track the performance of your campaigns, ad sets, and ads for your ad account. Start Now.

Meta 專家團隊:Facebook 和Instagram 營銷諮詢服務

與Meta 專家團隊成員的諮詢費用全免,且您無需簽訂任何合約。您只需就任何您決定為自家企業進行的Facebook 或Instagram 廣告宣傳活動支付相關費用。

Meta 專家團隊:Facebook 和Instagram 行銷諮詢服務

我們會查看您的帳號,針對您的需求提供建議,協助您打造出色Facebook 和Instagram 廣告以取得最佳成效。我們也會帶您詳細瞭解新的行銷策略,讓您更有效地達成業務目標。

Seeding and Team Management

經典版Facebook 粉絲專頁即將更新為新版粉絲專頁體驗。您仍然可以使用許多相同的功能來管理您的專業據點、打造品牌或商家、擴大粉絲群以及與粉絲交流聯繫。


取得有關在Facebook 和Instagram 上銷售、商業工具、廣告疑難排解、帳號管理、內容營利等方面的支援、祕訣和資源。

有Meta 業務代表跟我聯絡,如何確認對方的手機號碼和

如果有Facebook 業務代表聯絡您,而您不確定他們的身分真偽;要確認他們是已獲授權的Facebook 業務代表,最簡單的方法是要求他們寄送電子郵件給您。